The Crucible
To all survivalists: We are a professional group of survivalists from all
over the country that keep in touch by our monthly newsletter. We are a non-
radical organization that also keeps all information on our members
We prepare for future events that are comming, and will include information on
these threats. We have designated retreat areas where members will go to in
case of a severe event where your survival depends on being with other highly
skilled survivalists.
To receive our highly informative information packet e-mail us at:, or
The Crucible
PO Box 157
Kaukauna, WI 54130
please send $2.00 to offset the cost so our members dont have to be burdened by it. The
cost to become a full member is only $20.00 for a year.
Dragon's Lair Farm
We offer "Ready Reserve" and "Emergency Essentials" foods.
Do you have a realistic food storage plan? In addition, we also offer our "Personalized food storage planning service". For a $10.00 fee you recieve two informational pamphlets (food storage & Non-food storage) and a questionnaire.
Our pamphlets deal with how you can do your own food packaging, lists several foods
that will keep almost indefinatly and some ideas about how to get more food for less money. They also explain what "freeze drying "& "nitrogen packaging" are and what they do..
We then compile a food storage plan, based on your answers and send your customized report back to you. You have no further obligation to buy from us.
However, the $10.00 for the planning service is refundable with your first order of $100.00 or more, from us. Customers do not need to take advantage of our planning service
in order to buy food through us.
A current price list will be sent on request. We also have various pamphlets on "Homesteading", for $2.50 each. (includes postage)
Contact information:
Dragon's Lair Farm
P.O.Box 6143
Marianna, FL 32447
phone: 1-904-762-4124
web page: coming soon!
Haut Communications
Internet Publishing, Online Magazines, Commercial Web Sites, and In-House Graphic Design. We have the experience and know how to effectively market your company on the Web. Online SURVIVAL Magazine is exclusively hosted and maintained by us. Visit us at our new Web Site!
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